I want to be a contractor or self-employed
Preparing for self employment and/or contracting
Many people think about self-employment or contracting at some point in their working lives.
It can be exciting but it can also be a big step for some. The following steps will get you started on this journey
Know yourself and understand the demands of contracting and self employment
A good start is to brainstorm what is motivating you to consider self-employment and contracting. Looking at your work values can be helpful.
Knowing what it takes to be self-employed and or work as a contractor is important.
Identify any skill or knowledge gaps and consider training or retraining in those areas
Become familar with all the advice and information that is available.
Know what is happening generally in the labour market
Business.govt.nz provides a ten step guide
Profitableableventure suggest business ideas
NZentrepreneur provide a range of resources
Income and Support may be able to support depending on your circumstances.
Making Decisions and Taking Action
Working out your business structure will be one of the first considerations
Business.govt provide advice for a range of business situations.
Writing a business plan or lean canvas starts committing your ideas to writing.
Obtaining a business mentor is helpful